22 Sep SMART Green Gas
Dimasa Grupo participates in the SMART Green Gas to develop new technologies for high-quality biomethane from municipal waste
The development of this new energy model proposes a gradual, but inexorable, change to convert existing infrastructures in bio refineries, to recover some of the resources and improve the sustainability of current systems. The current water purification is based on a model that began in Europe in the sixties of the last century, which was introduced in Spain between the eighties and nineties with the construction of treatment plants currently in service.
Dimasa Grupo investigates the improvement in the production of biogas from sludge of wastewater treatment plants. The study aims to increase the biogas yield and improve its quality by a bioelectrochemical system within anaerobic digester. Also we will develop the new system at laboratory scale and, within two years, is intended to validate the system on a pilot scale. In addition, new technologies for cleaning impurities (H2S and siloxanes) in biogas are studied.
The SMART Green Gas project seeks to develop new technologies and processes for high-quality biomethane from urban and agro-industrial waste. This initiative, which has just been launched under the leadership of Aqualia, is funded by CIEN program of CDTI (Centre for Industrial Technological Development, of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) and an overall budget of more than eight million euros with support from the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund).
In the consortium are involved Gas Natural Fenosa, EDP-Naturgas Energy, Biogas Fuel Cell, Diagnostiqa, Dimasa Grupo and Ecobiogas. The project, which runs until September 2018, studies the production and purification of biogas plants water treatment and urban and agro-industrial waste, to obtain a high-quality biomethane, similar to natural gas, to be injected in the gas network or used as motor fuel.
To achieve this goal, SMART Green Gas develops various subtasks assumed by the consortium partners as specialty and business area.
The processes studied include discharge from the intensification of biogas production in sewage urban wastewater managed by Aqualia, to online monitoring quality produced biomethane for injection into network by Gas Natural Fenosa. EDP Naturgas Energy investigates new purification systems and biogas to biomethane grid injection later. In line with the production of biomethane Biogas Fuel Cell will develop a system of flexible and multi-stage purification of biogas, based on the hybridization of technologies developed in the project.
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